Vision: |
The vision of Paradip College is to create ample opportunities of Higher learning and research for students of all sections of the society and to provide value based education for creating generations of technically so und, efficient & responsible citizens and to cultivate in them a sense of universal brotherhood and fraternity and also to motivate them towards a robust enterprise and adventure so as to successfully overcome the uncertain challenges of globalization.The college has been performing success fully on the line of such vision.
Mission: |
Paradip College, established in the year 1975, has been catering to the needs of Higher Education of the children of the Port Trust Employees and those of the employees of sorrounding Industrial Houses besides the child ren of peripheral localities.Our Mission is to promote excellence and quality in Higher Education and foster healthy, moral, social values and ethical uprightness in the ambitious young students and prepare them to meet the challenges of globalization and also make them aware of the forthcoming technological and digital bene fits of fast globalization.Our college also aims at opening linkages of employability for the local youths, strictly keeping in view the opportunities offered by the Industrial Houses operating here. Paradip being the vibrant hub of the State's busine ss and enterprise, the college has also planned to open professional subjects like Marine Biology, Oceanography & Logistics Management.
Principal’s Message |
Dr.Sasmita Satapathy
A hearty welcome to the official website of Paradip College, Paradip.Ever since 1975, this institution has grown up as a giant family of meritorious students, highly learned faculties, cordial staff and successful alumni. Paradip college has always tried its best to provide quality education and enhance the skills and qualities of its students. It strives for the comprehensive development of students so that they emerge with flying colours in every walk of life.
I would like to acknowledge the consistent effort of students, faculty, staff who have made Paradip college reach great heights in intermediate and degree courses. I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks towards the alumni power, the past faculty members of the institution who have built up this institution to high acclaim. I hope this family of Paradip college will grow stronger in the coming years and pave its path towards becoming the top institute in the state. |
Notice & Events |
The Department of English, Paradip College, Paradip is organising one week Faculty Development Programme on "Research Methodology and Writing Research Paper" From- 21-12-2020 to 27-12-2020. More details click here |
For registration click here |
All classes of +2 2nd yr Arts/Science/commerce& 5th semester of +3 Arts/Science/Commerce will be held from 8th January 2020 & 11th January, 2020 respectively. |
Paradip College, Paradip is conducting a debate competition(online) on 12.01.2021 at 12.00 Noon for the +3 students on the occasion of National Youth Day 2021 .For details Please contact - 9437316142 |
A meeting of former students (Alumni) of Paradip college, Paradip is scheduled to be held on 22.02.2021 at 3.30 pm in the college premises for framing a committee for implementation of 'Mo College'. All the former students are informed to attend the same. |
E.B.S.B Club, Paradip College, is organizing one day webinar on 07/05/2021(Friday) on Google Meet |
The Department of History, Paradip College,is organizing One Day National Webinar on 30.05.2021 (Sunday) on Google Meet Platform. |
The Department of Chemistry, Paradip College,is organizing One Day National Webinar on 13.06.2021 (Sunday) from 11.00AM to 12.30 PM on Google Meet Platform. |
Department of Physics, Paradip College,is organizing One Day National Webinar on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology on 27.06.2021 (Sunday) from 11.00AM onwards on Google Meet Platform. |
Department of Economics, Paradip College,is organising a National webinar on Farm Act-2020:Advantages and Disadvantages on 4.7.2021 (Sunday) from 11.00AM onwards on Google Meet Platform. |